Thursday, October 16, 2008

Scrobble Scribble #10: Computer Love by Glass Candy

To follow the James Pants post I bring you Computer Love by Glass Candy off their "B/E/A/T/B/O/X" album, released this year. Still in the same sort of genre of James Pants, Glass Candy's music would be electronic, dance, disco. Last.FM also has electro/synthpop as a genre. This post will most likely be short because I actually only got the album a few days ago so I don't know much about Glass Candy or "B/E/A/T/B/O/X" but I had the album on repeat a lot yesterday, just because it sounded so good and is exactly what I needed. A good recommended artist would be Australia's own Cut Copy.

So I was really up for hearing a bit of dance and electro, and Glass Candy delivered. This selected track is a cover of Kraftwerk's own Computer Love, which I haven't listened to so I wouldn't be able to tell you if Glass Candy are faithful to the original (sorry, I am pretty useless for that). Something you may recognise immediately, I didn't until I had to ask my sister, that piano-like synth was used in Coldplay' Talk as they sampled Kraftwerk for that single. The girls who sings on this one does quite well but I honestly would've been fine if this was an instrumental. As it moves towards the end, that Talk sample is looped, with a constant drum pattern and a few odd but, I can't think of the word, but unobtrusive electronic effects. Enjoy!

Glass Candy - Computer Love

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