Sunday, August 31, 2008

Private becomes public

Ok so I mentioned something about blogging in my post for this week's contribution to eLearning and I don't remember what I wrote - but a few days later something very interesting happened. I was at the RTA (I got my Ps! lol that's another story for a different context) and I ran into one of my mum's friends whose son had just recently passed away. I was very close to him because he was like family, we grew up together (and it's also the reason I was away two mondays ago - I was at his funeral). Anyway, long story short I wrote up a little thing about him on my own personal blog and what do you know? Somebody found it (it's actually the first result in Google if you type in Alexander Howes). She was a friend of Alex's mother who lived in America.

Now at first I didn't mind but then my mum who heard about it says "Oh I have to read it!". And then I thought... oh, what about all the stuff I've written on there. This is very much a matter of private becoming public because I always felt that noone is really reading my blog because I must admit-- it's trash. I laugh at myself when I read it but I suppose that was a different me at a different time. I just hope other people know that too...


Unknown said...

hey, i'm really sorry about your close friend passing away, i read your blog and completely agree with the way you don't think that something you post will ever be read by the public. & it comes as a total suprise, a nice suprise when someone has given their time to read something you've written.

i'm totally the same with my blogs, you write them in during a particular state of mind, and when you read back, you think.. what the? i cringe sometimes when i look back at what i've written,i guess that's how it works with diaries and journals as well, except it's being published online for the whole world to read.

btw, congrats on getting your P's.

Anonymous said...

oh Tim. That linked personal blog you wrote was absolutely beautiful. You have changed my perception of blogging. I always felt blogging to be a little bit pointless and entirely self-absorbed, but you have proven that it does have a purpose and that people actually do read it. I have no doubt that one post (that you cringe at) has given something to the people around you beyond what you could have ever imagined. A very beautiful post.

Tim said...

Thanks for the comments Audrey and Renee :D